
Helpful Pediatric Dentistry Tips!

The Importance Of Discontinuing the Pacifier: A Pediatric Dentist’s Guide

by Dr. Steve Whittemore, D.D.S. | Published December 12, 2024

Pacifiers are a helpful tool in soothing and comforting young children. However, allowing prolonged pacifier use beyond toddler age can lead to dental and other health issues. It’s recommended by doctors that children be weaned off pacifiers before the age of two.

Problems Associated With Using A Pacifier For Too Long

By the age of two, most toddlers are capable of discontinuing pacifier use without difficulty. Continued use beyond three years old can result in several problems.

Ear Infections

Excessive pacifier use can increase the likelihood of ear infections. The sucking motion can interfere with the tubes in the middle ear, leading to blockages and potential infection spread.

Bite Misalignment 

The most common issue arising from prolonged pacifier use is bite misalignment. This can alter the natural shape of a child’s mouth. 

  • Open Bite: Upper and lower teeth fail to meet when the mouth is closed.
  • Crossbite: Upper teeth rest behind the lower teeth when the mouth is at rest, usually the back teeth.

These misalignments can impact speech and self-confidence in children.

Cavities And Unhealthy Gums 

While less common than bite misalignments, cavities and unhealthy gums can also occur. Pacifier overuse and dipping pacifiers into sweet substances can lead to dental issues like cavities, gum recession, and gingivitis.

Skin And Eating Problems 

Constant friction from a pacifier can irritate the skin inside and around the mouth. This potentially causes discomfort and eating difficulties.

Strategies To Stop Your Child From Using A Pacifier 

It’s important to intervene before age four to prevent long-term dental problems. Children who use their pacifier until age four may have some bite misalignments but can naturally revert to normal alignment. Whereas, a child who prolongs pacifier usage past the age of four will most likely need orthodontist help when they are older. Consider these tactics to help your child transition away from pacifier use.

  • Teething Toys: Provide similar sucking and chewing soothing benefits without affecting oral development.
  • White Noise: Use sound distractions to comfort your child without relying on a pacifier.
  • Holding Your Baby: Holding and rocking your baby can provide comfort without the need for a pacifier.
  • A Different Item: Introduce other comforting objects such as blankets, stuffed animals, or sippy cups.

You know your child best, so cold turkey may work or your toddler may agree to stop using a pacifier if you explain why their pacifier is going away. Parents have found success in weaning toddlers from their pacifiers around one by only allowing pacifiers at sleep times, and then gradually stopping them altogether. Whatever works for you, just never punish a child to stop using a pacifier, and reward them with extra hugs, kisses, and affirmations. 

Schedule A Dental Appointment Today!

If you’re facing challenges in weaning your child off the pacifier (or thumb-sucking), come visit Pediatric Dentistry of Central Iowa. Our expert team specializes in working with children and can provide guidance on pacifiers and address any dental concerns. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

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