Your Child Needs Braces, Now What?
Pediatric dentists and orthodontists try to avoid using interceptive orthodontics unless needed. Finding out your child needs braces and orthodontic treatment at a young age can be intimidating for both [ more ]
The Importance of Flossing
Flossing is critical in creating good hygiene and keeping your child’s teeth nice and healthy. As many parents know, it is easier said than done to have your child learn [ more ]
Kid Athletes & Protecting Their Teeth
At Pediatric Dentistry, we love seeing our kid patients involved in sports! It is important that kids are involved in physical activity everyday to keep them fit and growing properly. [ more ]
5 Facts About Baby Teeth
As we all know, baby teeth, also known as milk or deciduous teeth, are not permanent. However, they play an important role in the development of your child. Having baby [ more ]
Preventing Gum Disease and Damage – Keeping Your Children’s Gums Healthy
You’ve established regular, healthy brushing habits for your children so their teeth remain healthy and strong, but what’s the next step? Aside from bringing in your child for regular dental [ more ]