Can Kids Use Mouthwash?
When it comes to keeping children’s oral health, it’s important that they understand all of the options available to them. We commonly stress the importance of brushing and flossing, but [ more ]

National Children’s Dental Health Month
As some of you may know, February is National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM). During this month, we at at Pediatric Dentistry like to inform parents and children about the [ more ]

When To Break The Pacifier Habit
As a parent, it’s hard to see your baby grow older. In a perfect world your baby would stay the same age as he/she is and you would never have [ more ]

Tips To Help Your Child Brush Their Teeth
Getting young kids to make a habit out of brushing their teeth twice a day can be a tricky task. Some children think it’s boring, while others may actively dislike [ more ]

Keeping Teeth Clean for Children with Braces
It is not uncommon for kids to have braces. In fact, roughly 3.5 million children and teens take on orthodontic treatment, usually braces, every single year. As a parent who [ more ]